This addendum modifies catalog content as indicated and supersedes all previous addenda. Page 27 / 29 2024-2025 ADDENDUM to the Rasmussen University Catalog and Student Handbook February 27, 2025 concerning a report consistent with laws relating to data practices. 9. At the direction of law enforcement authorities, Rasmussen shall assist in obtaining, securing, and maintaining evidence in connection with a sexual assault incident. 10. Rasmussen shall assist the victim/survivor in preserving, in instances of alleged sexual assault, materials relevant to the grievance process, or any disciplinary proceeding. 11. Supportive measures: a. A victim/survivor may request the Title IX Coordinator or a Rasmussen employee to implement supportive measures as are reasonably available to shield or otherwise mitigate the potential for future unwanted interactions between the victim/survivor and the Respondent during and after the grievance process and resolution. b. Rasmussen shall act promptly to institute interim protective measures, which may include: i. Changes to classroom, academic, and working situations, as they are available and feasible; ii. Obtaining and enforcing campus no contact orders; and iii. Cooperating with law enforcement authorities and honoring an order of protection or no contact order entered by a State civil or criminal court. c. Rasmussen prohibits the implementation of any conditions or contingencies to receiving financial aid or supportive measures unless the victim/survivor signs a nondisclosure agreement. 12. Retaliation is forbidden against victims/survivors, good-faith reporters, and certain other persons as outlined in the Rasmussen Title IX Policy. 13. A victim/survivor may have a support person of their choice, who is not a fact witness, accompany them to any meeting or proceeding related to an alleged violation of this policy. a. The support person must comply with all rules and Rasmussen policies regarding their role. b. Involvement of a support person shall not be permitted if it results in undue delay of the meeting or proceeding. c. The support person may not participate or contribute to a meeting or proceeding unless invited to participate or contribute by the Rasmussen employee leading the meeting or proceeding. d. The support person may not engage in behavior or advocacy that harasses, abuses, or intimidates either party, a witness, or an individual resolving the alleged incident. e. Rasmussen may prohibit a support person from being involved in meetings or procedures for violations of this policy. 14. The victim/survivor is entitled to simultaneous, written notification of the outcome of the investigation, including information regarding appeal rights, within seven (7) days of a decision or sooner if required by state or federal law. 15. A victim/survivor who subsequently chooses to transfer to another postsecondary institution may request that Rasmussen provide them with information about resources for victims/survivors at the institution to which the victim/survivor is transferring. 16. Consistent with laws governing access to student records, a victim/survivor will be provided access to their description of the incident as it was reported to Rasmussen, including if the victim/survivor transfers to another institution. Investigation Procedures and Protocols Rasmussen shall process all reports to determine whether the conduct involved a Rasmussen education program or activity, or the provision of aid, benefits, or services to Rasmussen students. Rasmussen also refers to this process as an “Inquiry.” Upon initiating an investigation, Rasmussen shall notify all individuals who are believed to have documentary, electronic, or tangible evidence to preserve such evidence. Rasmussen may, in its sole discretion, conduct remotely any Title IX investigation, in whole or in part, using electronic and other remote means. Rasmussen shall coordinate its Title IX investigation with any other ongoing Rasmussen or criminal investigation of the incident. If the fact-finding portion of Rasmussen’s investigation is suspended due to the