This addendum modifies catalog content as indicated and supersedes all previous addenda. Page 20 / 22 2024-2025 ADDENDUM to the Rasmussen University Catalog and Student Handbook January 2, 2025 P. 166 Military Block Transfer for Physical Therapist Assistant Associate’s Degree (9/16/2024) Replace the last paragraph in this section with the following, which is effective Winter quarter 2025: The block transfer includes: BSC2093C Human Anatomy and Physiology I, BSC2094C Human Anatomy and Physiology II, HSC1531 Medical Terminology, PHT1000 Physical Therapist Assistant Fundamentals, PHT1100 Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice and Therapeutic Interventions, PHT1200 Principles of Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy-Lower Quarter, PHT1300 Principles of Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy- Upper Quarter, PHT2000 Principles of Neuromuscular Physical Therapy, PHT2500 PTA Clinical I, PHT2700 PTA Clinical II, and PSY1012 General Psychology. P. 167 Pre-Licensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Eligibility and Transfer of Credit Policy (9/16/2024) Replace the first paragraph in this section with the following, which is effective Winter quarter 2025: This 180-credit degree consists of 106 core Nursing credits and 74 General Education credits. Only General Education courses can be fulfilled with transfer credit. General Education course requirements include four lab-based science courses: BSC2093C Human Anatomy and Physiology I, BSC2094C Human Anatomy and Physiology II, CHM1100C General Chemistry and MCB2340C General Microbiology. All General Education course requirements must be completed before core Nursing courses can be taken. P. 167 Self-Directed Assessment Policy (8/22/2024) Replace the 8th bullet with: • Academic Appeals are not considered for self-directed assessment or any other form of prior learning assessment. Technical issues should be resolved by calling Classroom IT Support at 866- 693-2211 at the time an issue is discovered. • Support at 866-693-2211 at the time an issue is discovered. P. 168 Credit by Examination (Challenge Exams or Test Outs) (8/22/2024) Replace the 9th bullet with: Academic Appeals are not considered for credit by examination, self-directed assessment, or any other form of prior learning assessment. Technical issues should be resolved by calling Classroom IT. P. 173 Accreditation and Licensing (10/15/2024) Under “A. Accreditation”, replace the 4th paragraph with the following: The Medical Assisting Diploma program at the Central Pasco, Fort Myers, Ocala, and Tampa/Brandon campuses in Florida; the Aurora/Naperville, Rockford, and Romeoville/Joliet campuses in Illinois; the Bloomington, Eagan, Hennepin/Anoka, and Mankato campuses in Minnesota, and the Green Bay campus in Wisconsin are accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education School (ABHES). Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools, 6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 730, North Bethesda, MD 20852, (301) 291-7550. P. 174 B. Licensing and State Authorization (9/16/2024) Add a new first bullet to this section as follows: The Practical Nursing Diploma program at the Moorhead, Minnesota campus is approved with conditions by the Minnesota Board of Nursing. On. Aug. 1, 2024, pursuant to the authority granted under Minn. Stat. 148.251, the Minnesota Board of Nursing issued a Stipulation and Consent for Correction Order imposing conditions upon the approval of the Practical Nursing Diploma program at the Moorhead campus for having an annual pass rate of less than 75 percent on the National Council Licensing Examination of first-time examinees for three consecutive years. The program must, by June 30, 2025, achieve a success rate of higher than 75 percent based on the cumulative results from the previous four quarters for candidates from the program who write the licensing examination for the first time and resolve all areas of non-compliance identified in the Stipulation and Consent for Correction Order. If the conditions imposed on the program are not resolved, then the Minnesota