180 rasmussen.edu | 888-5-RASMUSSEN ACADEMIC INFORMATION AND UNIVERSITY POLICIES ALL CONTENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE BY ADDENDUM Rasmussen University reserves the right to deny admission to applicants whose total credentials reflect an inability to assume the obligations of performance and behavior deemed essential by Rasmussen University and relevant to any of its lawful missions, process, and functions as an educational institution and business. The administration of Rasmussen University reserves the right to address any issue in this catalog or its operations regarding its meaning. Non-Discrimination Policy Rasmussen is strongly committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all employees and all applicants for employment. For us, this is the only acceptable way to operate our University. Rasmussen employment practices conform both with the letter and spirit of federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding non-discrimination in employment, compensation, and benefits. Ownership Rasmussen College, LLC, d.b.a. Rasmussen University is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Public Education, Inc., (APEI), a Delaware Corporation. APEI is a publicly- traded corporation, the common stock of which is listed on NASDAQ. APEI is located at 111 W. Congress Street, Charles Town, WV 25414. Officers: • Mark Arnold, MBA, President • Dwayne Bertotto, BA, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer • Rick Patro, BBA, Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer Preferred Name Policy At Rasmussen University, creating an inclusive environment for our diverse student body is a priority. We recognize that some students prefer to be identified by a first name other than their legal name. All Rasmussen potential students and students have the option to use a first name different than their legal name on certain University records. Any student may choose to identify a preferred first name, also known as their lived name, in addition to their legal name (as listed on the driver’s license, Social Security card, passport, etc.) The University will display the preferred name to the University community where feasible and appropriate and make a good faith effort to update records, documents and systems accordingly. This procedure applies to those students who wish to use a preferred name on campus. . The student is free to determine the preferred name they want to be known by, regardless of whether they have legally changed their name. The University reserves the right to remove a preferred name if it is used inappropriately, including but not limited to, avoiding a legal obligation or for the purpose of misrepresentation. The legal name will continue to be used in university-related systems, business processes, and documents such as reporting, financial aid, transcripts, payroll and tax documents, and other records where use of legal first name is required by law or Rasmussen policy. A student who indicates a preferred name will see it used whenever possible in campus systems and documents, with the exception of cases where the student’s legal name is required by law. Legal first and last names can only be changed with documentation of a legal name change. A student may update their preferred name at any time through the Rasmussen Student Portal, within the Account Center Preferred Name and Pronoun Update tab. The preferred name will be the default name printed on quarterly academic achievement awards, as well as the diploma. A student may change the default to their legal name prior to the last date of each quarter for which the awards are calculated. *Please note: When providing your name, it is important to consider situations in which you will be using your preferred name, and decide if your first name will need to be consistent on all records and forms of ID. For example, when searching for a job, which name will you be using on your resume and in all interviews? Remember that your legal name will appear on your transcript, financial aid documents, visa documents, and W-2 forms. It is important to know that you may change your preferred name back to your legal name for any reason. Places Where Preferred Name Will Appear Once the Registrar’s Office makes the updates, our university will then make every effort to update our many independent systems across the university to reflect your preferred name where possible. Generally, you can expect to see your preferred name in the following places: • Rasmussen Personal Support Center (IT Support System) • Learning Management System • Class rosters • Grade Reports / Degree Progress Audit ALABAMA Alabama Commission on Higher Education P.O. Box 302000 Montgomery, AL 36130 ache.state.al.us/federal-reg.pdf Alabama Community College System P.O. Box 302130 Montgomery, AL 36130-2130 psl.asc.edu/External/Complaints.aspx ALASKA Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education PO Box 110505 Juneau, AK 99811 [email protected] acpe.alaska.gov/Consumer_Protection ARIZONA Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education 1400 West Washington Street, Room 260 Phoenix, AZ 85007 ppse.az.gov/complaint • Quarterly Deans & Honors Awards and Credential Awards • Commencement programs • Diplomas • University marketing materials where a student has consented to have their name identified (student may choose the name to be used) • Directory listings (telephone, online, hardcopy) • Co-curricular rosters (athletic rosters, student organization membership, etc. and related reporting) Places Where Legal Name Will Appear • Network login • Email display of name • Enrollment Acceptance communications • Financial Aid and Tuition Billing • Official and unofficial transcripts • Enrollment verification • Accounts payable & student refund checks • Paychecks & paystubs • Required information reporting to the IRS (W2, 1098T, 1042S, etc.) • Certain official forms or correspondence from the University (financial aid awards, new hire forms, etc.) • Disciplinary records, including Safety & Security reports • Federal immigration documents • Official correspondence/reporting with external entities Pronoun Policy Pronouns are used in place of people’s names. Chosen pronouns are used to respect the way people identify and to avoid making assumptions about people’s identities. A chosen pronoun is the pronoun that an individual would like others to use when talking to or about that individual. Some people prefer others to use a gender- neutral or gender-inclusive pronoun when talking to or about them. A student does not have to report a chosen pronoun. A chosen pronoun is not the same as gender. Gender information will continue to be collected at the time of enrollment and may be updated at any time through the Rasmussen Student Portal within the Account Center Student Change of Information tab. A student may also update their pronoun at any time through the Rasmussen Student Portal within the Account Center Preferred Name and Pronoun Update tab. State Contact Information for Student Complaints This list includes contact information for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico and should not be construed as informative of what agencies regulate the institution or in what states the institution is licensed or required to be licensed. States, through the relevant agencies or Attorneys General Offices, will accept complaints regardless of whether an institution is required to be licensed in that state. To begin a complaint process, use the following contact information. ARKANSAS Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board Arkansas Department of Higher Education 423 Main Street, Suite 400 Little Rock, AR 72201 [email protected] www.adhe.edu/institutions/academic- affairs/institutional-certification-advisory- committee/grievance-form [email protected] www.adhe.edu/private-career-education/ students/ Arkansas State Board of Private Career Education 501 Woodlane, Suite 312S Little Rock, AR 72201 [email protected] www.adhe.edu/private-career- educationcomplaintProcess.aspx